Hi everyone!
Recently I have been spending some time with my Yaya jie jie... It is so much fun! We will run around the house, eat yummy food, and wait by the door for the adults to return home... Yaya jie jie is sooooo cool! She taught me many cool new tricks.. like how to guard the house by barking at strangers [Ma Ma, Gong Gong and Jie Jie always scold me when I do that though...=(], how to knock at the door when I am locked up in the house, how to give the adults a 可怜 look to they are eating etc... 她好酷噢!Especially the way she can jump up and down the sofa effortlessly!
The adults are always comparing me to her... Dont they get it that we are different breeds of dogs so we have different characteristics traits... Maltese are much more 斯文 and 高贵, so we dont like to jump... Shih Tzus are more mischevious and 粗鲁! heh heh heh....
The adults keep laughing at me that I am slower and less intelligent. *sob* *sob*.. they even give me a nickname - ODIE!!!
Don't you think we look like Garfield and Odie here? *heh* *heh*
This is Garfield giving a evil smile...
This is us with Jon Gong Gong.... ^-^